New Year, Same God

Well, it’s 2013–and here’s my obligatory New Year’s Post. đŸ™‚

First off, I think it’s a good idea to look back on 2012 and assess it.

For me, 2012 was an incredible year. It will go down in my life as a “red-letter” year … it’s the year in which I really, truly started following God with all of my heart. It’s the year in which God broke my idols, set my captive heart free and called me into His courts.

2012 brought with it a break-up, a reunion and the end of my long battle with depression. I spent Good Friday, Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday in the wilderness on a personal retreat. 2012 saw some powerful works of the Holy Spirit. It saw my graduation from college, and a move which has me more than convinced of God’s providence for me. It was truly the end of a big chapter of my life, and brought me to the cusp of a new, exciting (and even somewhat frightening) chapter .

Spiritually speaking, I learned about what idols truly are. I learned how to listen to God and hear Him. I learned that my heart is good. I learned how to engage in spiritual warfare, and how to pray in the spirit. I learned just what it means to worship, and experienced just what “glory” is. I learned a little more about how to love my neighbor and how to cultivate the fruits of the spirit. I learned  how to go about forgiving. I learned the power of intercessory prayer and faith. I’ve seen miracles happen, blessings imparted and hearts of stone turned into hearts of flesh.

Standing on that cusp of this new year, I just have to look back and stand in awe of what an amazing, wonderful, loving God we have.

So, now on to 2013–I’m more than convinced that God has even more blessings, trials and words for me this year.

My hopes for this year? I’m hoping to grow even closer to God–a need that (thankfully) will never fully be culminated. There’s always more to know, more to learn, more to experience with God. But thankfully, He’s always the same. That’s one of His attributes that I’m really learning to love dearly. In a world in which nothing remains constant, God does. Everything else is in chaos, otherwise, it grows stagnant. God does neither, and I just love that about Him. He’s always doing a new thing, but HE never changes. That’s a rock that I cling to wholeheartedly.

Ah, yes–but back to my hopes for 2013. I do hope to grow in love for God, but also for others (always one of the most difficult commands for me, I’m afraid). I hope to learn how to have audacious hope and faith. I hope to hear Him more clearly as well. I would also love to see Him set more captive hearts free and have the honor of doing some of His work. Above all, though, I hope never to become complacent. I don’t want to go through the motions at all–I really want to seek His face, and I want to find a community of others who are doing the same. My biggest Christmas Wish this year was to find a community of people who believe that God still speaks to His people, who believe that spiritual warfare is real and who want to support each other through prayer and counsel. Not people who want to “play church.” Not people who love Christian Culture–people who love Christ.

I asked the Lord what His theme was in my life this year. His answer? To bring me out of my timidity. To fill me with courage and strength.

He’s already started working on that one, let me tell you. I’m excited for the blessing that comes at the end of this trial. Either way, though–I know He’s up to some pretty incredible things, and I’m waiting in joyful anticipation for what’s in store.

What is God’s theme for your 2013? Let this be a Red-Letter year for you, too–and follow the one who love you so dearly! He CAN set the captives free, He WILL heal your infirmities . Let God lead the way this year, and see what wonderful things are in store for you.